Skill Share: Starting Tomato & Pepper Seeds Indoors
An in-person event hosted by the Napa County Seed Library and the St. Helena Public Library
Thursday, February 6th ~ 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
St. Helena Public Library
1492 Library Lane, St. Helena CA 94574
Have you ever tried starting seeds indoors? Certain plants like peppers and tomatoes do well getting an early start, so eager gardeners often take steps to get these garden favorites ready for spring temperatures by starting them indoors. We’re really excited to share our knowledge about how to do just that so you can have healthy seedlings to plant once the cold weather warms and the danger of frost has passed. When you get the hang of this skill, you’ll be tempted to do a second round of tomatoes in mid-summer! Join us at the St. Helena Public Library and bring something to take notes with—we’ll provide the seeds, tags, and starting mix you can use to take seeds started home.