Upcoming events
EcoFarm Conference
EcoFarm Conference
An in-person event hosted by the Ecological Farming Association
January 22 - 25, 2025
Asilomar Conference Grounds
Pacific Grove, California
The Ecological Farming Association brings together farmers, ranchers, and food system workers to inspire each other, and to be the change that makes a difference.
Their 45th EcoFarm Conference features over 60 skill-building workshops, keynotes, pre-conference events, farm tours, seed swaps, tastings, networking, Spanish programming, and of course the EcoFarm dance!
Arizona State University Seed Library Webinar
Seed Library Webinar
A webinar hosted by the University of Arizona
January 23rd, 2025
9:00 am - 4:00 pm Pacific Time
Virtual webinar
Whether you are a current seed librarian or an aspiring one, this webinar is open to anyone interested in seed libraries! Lauren Muscatine from the Napa County Seed Library will present “Starting a Seed Library from Scratch” and join a list of other engaging speakers in this one-day webinar hosted by the University of Arizona and the U of A Cooperative Extension.
Registration is now open.
Tap the link to register: https://forms.gle/HSH8jS6dqyrGdMab8
Access the agenda and list of speakers (PDF flyer) here:
Skill Share: Starting Tomato & Pepper Seeds Indoors
Skill Share: Starting Tomato & Pepper Seeds Indoors
A free event hosted by the Napa County Seed Library and the St. Helena Public Library
Thursday, February 6th ~ 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
St. Helena Public Library
1492 Library Lane, St. Helena CA 94574
Have you ever tried starting seeds indoors? Certain plants like peppers and tomatoes do well getting an early start, so eager gardeners often take steps to get these garden favorites ready for spring temperatures by starting them indoors. We’re really excited to share our knowledge about how to do just that so you can have healthy plants to begin once the cold weather warms and the danger of frost has passed.
Organic Seed Growers Conference
Organic Seed Growers Conference
An out-of-state event by Organic Seed Alliance
The Organic Seed Growers Conference is a biennial gathering by and for agroecological seed communities in the U.S. and across the world. Hosted by Organic Seed Alliance, the event will take place February 26 –March 1 in Oregon and virtually. The conference creates spaces where experienced and emerging seed stewards can convene timely conversations, educational training, and strategy sessions. The gathering serves as a conduit for making new connections and catching up with old friends, networking across organic seed communities, sharing knowledge with other participants, and celebrating the growing movement.
The goal of the Organic Seed Growers Conference is to inspire individuals, communities, organizations, and businesses to take actions that support and improve the integrity of the philosophical and practical systems that make up the organic seed movement and trade.
4th Annual Seed Swap
4th Annual Seed Swap
Date | Sunday, April 5, 2025
Time | 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Location | CIA at Copia, 500 First Street, Napa, CA 94559
We exchange organically grown (non-GMO), untreated seeds. All seeds must be fully labeled with the seed type, year of collection / packed for date, and the seed saver’s name.
Watch this video from our 2nd seed swap! Lavender and Lauren show you how to prepare your seeds to exchange. How to prepare your seeds for the Seed Swap: https://youtu.be/qQxPORNxQKg
All About Seed Libraries
All About Seed Libraries
May 3rd, 2025
580 Coombs Street
Napa, CA 94559
2:00 to 3:00 pm
Learn the basics about the seed library movement, what a seed library is, and how the Napa County Seed Library was started and how it works. Lauren Muscatine will focus on the features of the seed library annex inside the Napa Library to stay engaged and receive support from library guests.
Sunday, August 10th, 2025
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
CIA at Copia Gardens
500 First Street Napa, CA, 94559
Tomatoganza! is Napa County Seed Library’s tomato taste-off, seed saving event, and summer fundraiser! In its third year, you’ll again savor and vote for the season's best beefsteak and cherry varieties all amid the beautiful setting of the CIA at Copia garden.
Tickets: $20/person and $48/group of 3
Ticket link TBD
Skill Share: Fall Seed Harvesting (UC Master Gardeners)
Fall Seed Harvesting #1
Tuesday, September 25th ~ 12:00 to 2:00 pm
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
1917 Third Street, Napa CA 94559
We’re very excited to present this skill share by invitation from the UC Master Gardener’s of Napa County at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. We’ll show you how to identify, process, and store a variety of seeds that mature and are ready to harvest in in the fall months. We’ll also demonstrate the details and importance of donating and returning seeds to the seed library to keep our community seed exchanges going strong all year. We’ll have a variety of materials for hands-on practice so you can benefit from guidance in person. Bring fully dried, unprocessed, organic seed from your garden. We’ll help you learn the rest to become a skilled seed sharer!
Harvest Farmers Market
Harvest Farmers Market
Sunday, October 5th ~ 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Clos du Val Winery
5330 Silverado Trail
Napa, CA 94558
Have seeds to harvest? Then we’re very excited to present this skill share for you! Join us at Clos du Val Winery for a skill share about fall seed harvesting. We’ll show you how to identify, process, and store seeds that mature and are ready to harvest in October. We’ll demonstrate the details and importance of donating and returning seeds to the seed library to keep our community seed exchanges going strong all year. We’ll have seeds and materials for hands-on practice so you can begin these new skills with in-person guidance.
Skill Share: Fall Seed Harvesting
Fall Seed Harvesting #2
Tuesday, October 7th ~ 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
St. Helena Public Library
1492 Library Lane, St. Helena CA 94574
Have seeds to share? Then we’re very excited to present this skill share is for you! Join us at the St. Helena Public Library for a skill share about fall seed harvesting. We’ll show you how to identify, process, and store a variety of seeds that mature and are ready to harvest in fall. We’ll also demonstrate the details and importance of donating and returning seeds to the seed library to keep our community seed exchanges going strong all year. We’ll have a variety of materials for hands-on practice so you can begin these new skills with in person guidance. Feel free to bring fully dried, unprocessed, organic seed from your garden. We’ll help you learn the rest to become a skilled seed sharer!
Skill Share: Seed Storage Guidelines
Skill Share: Seed Storage Guidelines
Tuesday, November 4th ~ 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
St. Helena Public Library
1492 Library Lane, St. Helena CA 94574
Join us at the St. Helena Public Library for a skill share about seed storage. We’ll show you why seed storage should not be taken for granted or overlooked. After seeds are fully dried they need optimal conditions to remain viable. Learn how to label, protect, and store seeds for best germination once spring arrives. Understand why cool, dark, dry spaces are best, when refrigeration is helpful, and how to watch for fluctuations in temperature and humidity.
Seed Harvesting
If you planned to donate and return seeds from your gardens and want to learn how to harvest and store them, this talk and skill-share is for you! Bring dry and unprocessed seed from your garden and join us at the St. Helena Library on Tuesday, November 12th.
Lauren Muscatine will teach you how to identify, process, and store a variety of seeds that become mature and ready to harvest during the fall season and will have seeds types for hands-on practice so you can apply new knowledge skills in person.
How to Harvest and Save Fall Seeds
If you planned to donate and return seeds from your gardens and want to learn how to harvest and store them, this talk and skill-share is for you! Bring dry and unprocessed seed from your garden and join us at the St. Helena Farmers Market on October 25th to learn How to Harvest and Save Fall Seeds.
Lauren Muscatine will teach you how to identify, process, and store a variety of seeds that become mature and ready to harvest during the fall season. The Napa County Seed Library’s booth will have seeds types for hands-on practice so you can apply new knowledge skills in person.
How to Harvest and Save Fall Seeds
Friday, October 25th ~ 7:30 am - 12:00 noon
St. Helena Farmers Market
Crane Park, 360 Crane Ave., St. Helena CA 94574
Harvest Farmers Market
Clos du Val hosts their family-friendly Harvest Farmers Market on October 6th – a perfect way to experience Napa Valley in the height of harvest season. We’re excited to attend to offer a skill share as well as a hands-on experience for kids and all those young at heart! You’ll learn how to plant seeds during fall to grow a bounty of native flora in spring and how to harvest sunflowers and other fall-maturing seeds. Purchase tickets here.
Tomatoganza! is the Napa County Seed Library’s annual tomato taste-off and seed saving event! In its 2nd year, we’ll be at the CIA at Copia Gardens where you can savor and vote for the season's best beefsteak and cherry varieties. Entries from up to 10 local farms will be judged and among them awarded "The Local Favorites.” Join live demos and learn how to save seeds from the world’s most popular fruit. Ask experienced local growers for best practices for producing the best tasting tomato varieties. Our event features kid-friendly activities, raffle prizes, music, and saved seeds to take home.
Napa Valley Community Market
Join Us for a Vibrant Celebration of Local Community! Explore an array of stalls featuring local businesses and artisans; discover unique, handcrafted goods and fresh produce; support your local community and economy.
Día de La Familia
Día de la Familia is an annual community-building event celebrating Napa Valley’s farmworkers and all that they do to make our industry and community stronger.
Little Green Thumb Garden Tour
The Little Green Thumb Garden Tour, a Guest Experience created by Velvet Markakis to guide children 4 to 10 years old and their parents about how to select seeds, get their hands dirty, and connect with nature! The Market garden beds nearby are tended by culinary gardener Marley and offer stunning examples of companion planting, pollinator habitat, and the edible and medicinal plants that can result from starting from seed! We love this collaboration and encourage you to sign up for this complimentary experience!
Little Green Thumb Garden Tour
Friday, July 13th ~ 11:45 am
Carneros Resort and Seed Library Annex at the Chick-Inn
4048 Sonoma Hwy, Napa CA 94559
Grand Opening at Carneros
Celebrate our newest seed library annex now open at Carneros Resort! Join our special event for locals and resort guests to learn how to use the library and take seeds to plant at home and return. Meet us at the garden beds at 4048 Sonoma Hwy, Napa, 94559.
Five Easy Seeds to Save: Skills to Grow By 🌼
Our first knowledge share is at the St. Helena Public Library, where we’ll give a talk on “5 Easy Seeds to Save.” Join us on Tuesday, May 28 at 4:00 pm to learn this time-honored skill!
3rd Annual Seed Swap
Join us for our 3rd Annual Seed Swap at the CIA at Copia Garden!
Meet us downtown at the CIA at Copia for our 3rd Annual Seed Swap! Come to exchange seeds with garden enthusiasts and local small farmers; stay to enjoy refreshments, tips, and smiles that will bring your wildest garden dreams to life. This is a FREE event but you MUST bring seeds to exchange to participate in the swap.
Date | Sunday, April 14, 2024
Time | 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Location | CIA at Copia Garden, 500 First Street, Napa, CA 94558
Label your seeds clearly and include:
📝 crop type
📝 common or variety name
📝 your name (as seed saver / donor)
📝 company's name (if from a commercial seed company)
📝 harvest date (or the “packed for” date if from a commercial seed company)
Seeds must be:
🫘 organically grown (labeled organic or non-GMO)
🫘 untreated, clean, dry, free of dirt, debris, leaves, stems, or pods
🫘 clearly labeled and sealed in jars, envelopes, paper bags, or commercial seed packets
Watch this video from our last swap! Lavender and Lauren show you how to prepare your seeds to exchange.
How to Prepare Your Seeds: https://youtu.be/qQxPORNxQKg
19th Annual Ag Day
Join us at the Napa County Farm Bureau Foundation and the Napa County Agricultural Commissioner Office’s 19th Ag Day event celebrating local agriculture. This event is FREE!
California Organic Seed Summit
The annual California Organic Seed Summit, convened by the Organic Seed Alliance, is a gathering for California-based seed growers to network, exchange knowledge, and develop collective actions to build sustainable, profitable, and resilient seed systems.
Mumm Napa Health Fair
We are pleased to be invited to present to the employees of Mumm Napa the aspects of full-circle gardening that supports human health and wellbeing on November 16, 2023, 9 am to 12 pm. (This is a corporate-sponsored event and not open to the public.)
St. Helena Community Seed Exchange
We host a community seed exchange at the St. Helena Farmers Market on select Fridays from 7:30 am to 12 pm from May to October.
We offer organic seeds and seedlings, as well as educational workshops, to encourage new gardeners, and to re-skill experienced gardeners to grow locally adapted seeds. Bring locally grown, organic seeds and come “seed” us!
Note: We prioritize seed shares with those who have little or no access to seeds.
How to prepare seeds to exchange: https://youtu.be/qQxPORNxQKg
Cost: Free
Bring: Packets of mature, dry, well-labeled organic seed to exchange.
St. Helena Public Library Lecture
Join us on Tuesday evening October 10th from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm at the St. Helena Public Library to learn how public libraries fueled the seed library movement. Find out all about how seed libraries work, and how public libraries play a key role in preserving culture, food, land, and seed saving skills!
Tomatoganza! is Napa County’s first-ever tomato taste-off and seed saving event! Savor and select the season's best beefsteak and cherry entries from up to 7 farms to award "The Local Favorites.” Join live demos and learn how to save seeds from the world’s most popular fruit. Stay for kid-friendly activities, raffle prizes, music, and saved seeds to take home. Tickets are $12/person and $27/group of 3 people. (Tickets must be purchased in advance.) 🍅 Love to help out? Become a Volunteer for Tomatoganza! and receive FREE admission and a t-shirt! 🍅
St. Helena Community Seed Exchange
Tomato Seed Saving Lecture and Hands-on Seed Processing 🫘 🌱 💞
Seeds begin and end the life-cycle of many plant species and we rely on this seasonal rhythm in many ways. In this free, hands-on lecture and workshop, Lauren will show you three easy was to successfully save tomato seeds from your home garden. If you want to save your own homegrown tomato seeds, bring 1-2 beefsteaks or a basketful of a cherry variety and a small glass jar. We’ll show you the rest!
Seed saving is a great way to begin a conversation about the community’s role in sustaining local food systems by adapting food and pollinator crops to the changing environment and by increasing plant biodiversity for future generations. We’ll also have a booth at this Friday’s market where you can get hands-on a variety of dried seed and learn how to collect and harvest and process these seeds right at the St Helena Farmers Market. No materials needed... join us!
St. Helena Community Seed Exchange
We host a community seed exchange booth at the St. Helena Farmers Market on select Fridays from 7:30 am to 12 pm from May to October.
We offer organic seeds and seedlings, as well as educational workshops, to encourage new gardeners, and to re-skill experienced gardeners to grow locally adapted seeds. Bring locally grown, organic seeds and come “seed” us!
Note: We prioritize seed shares with those who have little or no access to seeds.
How to prepare seeds to exchange: https://youtu.be/qQxPORNxQKg
Cost: Free
Bring: Packets of mature, dry, well-labeled organic seed to exchange.
St. Helena Community Seed Exchange
We host a community seed exchange booth at the St. Helena Farmers Market on select Fridays from 7:30 am to 12 pm from May to October.
We offer organic seeds and seedlings, as well as educational workshops, to encourage new gardeners, and to re-skill experienced gardeners to grow locally adapted seeds. Bring locally grown, organic seeds and come “seed” us!
Note: We prioritize seed shares with those who have little or no access to seeds.
How to prepare seeds to exchange: https://youtu.be/qQxPORNxQKg
Cost: Free
Bring: Packets of mature, dry, well-labeled organic seed to exchange.
Grand Opening! Bird Nest Annex #5
Grand Opening this Friday, June 16th, from 4-6 pm! A collaborative event hosted by the Napa County Seed Library and our newest seed keepers, Carmen and Vivian.
Climate-Friendly Garden Tour 2023
The Napa County Seed Library is featured among 11 private gardens in the 2023 Climate-Smart Garden Tour! Come visit our three outdoor seed library annexes and tour their adjoining climate-friendly gardens during this open-house style tour. The tour is a partnership between the City of Napa Water Division, Napa RCD, UC Master Gardeners, the Napa County Seed Library, and the Town of Yountville. The eleven private and public gardens selected in Napa and Yountville will showcase beautiful and vibrant landscapes that are climate-friendly and water-wise. Tickets are $5 for adults, kids are free!
St. Helena Farmers Market Lecture
At our first appearance at the St. Helena Farmers Market we’ll give a workshop on “5 Easy Seeds to Save.” Join us on Friday, May 12 at 10:30 am for this lecture!
Earth Day Napa 2023
Earth Day Napa 2023 will be held on Sunday, April 23rd. This free festival brings the community together to celebrate and learn about our local and global environment. Hands-on educational activities, live music and more will keep the whole family entertained!
Napa Community Seed Exchange
We host a community seed exchange booth at the Napa Farmers Market on select Saturdays from 8:00 am to 12 pm—rain or shine. Our last market date for 2023 is April 1st. Come and get seeds and seedlings on this special date!
We offer organic seeds and seedlings, as well as educational workshops, to encourage new gardeners, and to re-skill experienced gardeners to grow locally adapted seeds. Bring locally grown, organic seeds and come “seed” us!
Note: We prioritize seed shares with those who have little or no access to seeds.
How to prepare seeds to exchange: https://youtu.be/qQxPORNxQKg
Cost: Free
Bring: Packets of mature, dry, well-labeled organic seed to exchange.
Napa Community Seed Exchange
We host a community seed exchange booth at the Napa Farmers Market on select Saturdays from 8:00 am to 12 pm—rain or shine.
We offer organic seeds and seedlings, as well as educational workshops, to encourage new gardeners, and to re-skill experienced gardeners to grow locally adapted seeds. Bring locally grown, organic seeds and come “seed” us!
Note: We prioritize seed shares with those who have little or no access to seeds.
How to prepare seeds to exchange: https://youtu.be/qQxPORNxQKg
Cost: Free
Bring: Packets of mature, dry, well-labeled organic seed to exchange.
2nd Annual Seed Swap
Details: Join us for Napa County’s 2nd Annual Seep Swap! Exchange seeds with local seed savers, community groups, and small farmers. Don’t miss it!
Date: February 18, 2023.
Cost: Free.
How to prepare your seeds: https://youtu.be/qQxPORNxQKg
Bring: Five (5) organically grown seed packets.
Location: Crosswalk Community Church, 2590 First Street, Napa, CA 94558
11th Annual Seed Library Summit
Join us for the 11th Annual Seed Library Summit! Local speakers: Lauren Muscatine, co-founder, Napa County Seed Library, co-presents and Pat Sobrero, Round Valley Seed Library on on “How to Start a Seed Library.” Keynote speaker: Beata Tsosie-Peña, founder of Española Seed Library, poet, activist, and the Organizational Director of Breath of My Heart Birthplace, a non-profit licensed birth center and midwifery practice based in Española, New Mexico.
Location: Online
Cost: Free
Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/seed-library-summit-tickets-386203664557