Partner Farmer Program

Each year we invite skilled farmers to grow culturally significant or environmentally beneficial seed using organic, open-pollinated seed production methods within Napa County through our Partner Farmer Program. Our Partner Farmers grow organic seeds to add to our locally adapted seed stock and expand the plant biodiversity that we share with people living in Napa County.
If you are interested in becoming a Partner Farmer for 2025, read the information below, contact us or apply here.

How it began

The Partner Farmer Program emerged because two interested and skilled farmers wanted to amplify our mission.

Because of their resourcefulness, we recognized that we could rely on the agricultural community to help steward the seed varieties we select for. Our goal became to partner with skilled farmers to grow culturally significant or environmentally beneficial seeds locally adapted to Napa County using organic, open-pollinated seed production methods.

How it works

Our Partner Farmer Program adopts an approach initiated by Native Seeds/SEARCH.

We prioritize for culturally significant and environmentally beneficial seeds important to Napa County. Due to limited quantities or access, seed of specific varieties may not be available, but we will work with participants to match requests.

Interested participants grow a specific seed crop using organic, open-pollinated seed production methods under a seed exchange agreement or a seed grow-out agreement.

Seed exchange

A seed exchange agreement involves skilled farmers receiving seeds from the Napa County Seed Library (at no charge) to grow using organic, open-pollinated seed production methods. At the end of the growing season, farmers agree to return 50% of their seed harvest to the Napa County Seed Library. This option is limited to crops with an annual seed production cycle.

The returned seed, as a fraction of the total seed harvested, allows participants to harvest plenty for food, and save seed to plant in the future.

Seed grow-out

A seed grow-out agreement involves skilled farmers capable of growing a quarter acre or more of a particular seed variety using organic, open-pollinated seed production methods. At the end of the growing season, farmers agree to return 80% of their seed harvest. The Napa County Seed Library will provide seeds and pay for a portion of the farm inputs to grow out select varieties. This option includes crops with both annual and biennial seed production cycles.

The returned seed, as a fraction of the total seed harvested, allows participants to harvest plenty for food, and save seed to plant in the future.

Interested participants for 2025 should contact us to discuss the varieties they are interested in growing and the amount of land they plan to cultivate. There is no penalty for a failed crop. Guidance for following Organic Seed Alliance seed production methods are made available.

Contact us with questions or submit your interest to Apply here.

Meet our Partner Farmers
and read their stories below. 👇🏾

2023 Partner Farmers

Tessa Henry grew black seed sweet corn and jalepeño grande pepper.

Tessa Henry

Tessa grew black seed corn, a sweet variety, and jalepeño grande pepper, a hot variety as a Partner Farmer for 2023. Tessa’s experience growing crops at large scale matched well the care and attention both crops need during their long growing season toward seed maturity. Lauren Muscatine provided seed stock from the crop she grew in 2022, but Luis Padilla is the original source and has grown the corn for decades in Napa County. The jalepeño grande pepper came from her own saved seed stock.